stickline(tj1 and tj,o,c,4,1),colorf00ff0;
stickline(diff dea,h,l,0.5,0),colorf0f000;
stickline(diff dea,o,c,4,0),colorf0f000;
SK:= EMA(Var1,13)-EMA(Var1,73);
SD:= EMA(SK,2);
drawtext((cross(sk,sd) and sk -0.04 and (c-ref(c,1))/ref(c,1) =0.03) or (cross(sk,sd) and sk =-0.14 )
or (cross(sk,sd) and sk =0.05 and (v/ma(v,5) 2 or c/ref(c,1) 0.035)) ,l*0.99,'短线'),colorgreen;
stickline((cross(sk,sd) and sk -0.04 and (c-ref(c,1))/ref(c,1) =0.03) or (cross(sk,sd) and sk =-0.14 )
or (cross(sk,sd) and sk =0.05 and (v/ma(v,5) 2 or c/ref(c,1) 0.035)),h,l,0.5,0),colorred;
stickline((cross(sk,sd) and sk -0.04 and (c-ref(c,1))/ref(c,1) =0.03) or (cross(sk,sd) and sk =-0.14 )
or (cross(sk,sd) and sk =0.05 and (v/ma(v,5) 2 or c/ref(c,1) 0.035)),o,c,10,1),linethick3,colorred;