DRAWICON(散户同盟 9.0 AND count(c ref(c,1),6) =3 and (hhv(h,8)/ref(c,1) =1.10 and ref(c,6)/ref(c,1) =1.45),8.9,1);
DRAWICON(cross(跳水线,散户同盟) ,10.35,2);
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DRAWICON(cross(散户同盟,水平线) and count(c ref(c,1),3)=1 and (hhv(h,6)/l =1.08 and ref(c,6)/ref(c,1) =1.35),9.45,1);
DRAWICON(cross(散户同盟,拉升在即) and count(c ref(c,1),3) =1 and ma(v,6) ma(v,10) and hhv(h,6)/(llv(l,6) =1.10 and ref(c,6)/ref(c,1) =1.35),9.72,1);
DRAWTEXT(CLOSE ref(CLOSE,3) and HLP 65,散户同盟,' '),colorGREEN,linethick4;
DRAWTEXT(CLOSE ref(CLOSE,8) and HLP 80,散户同盟,' '),colorBLUE,linethick4;
DRAWTEXT(CLOSE ref(CLOSE,2) and 散户同盟 11.1,散户同盟,' '),coloryellow,linethick4;
DRAWTEXT(h/l 1.08 and h/c 1.05 and HLP 60 and 散户同盟 10.2,散户同盟,' '),colorred,linethick4;
DRAWTEXT((cross(散户同盟,警戒线) and c ref(c,3) and h/ma(c,5) 1.015 and HLP 30 )or(cross(EMA(EMA(close/ma(close,12),5),5),EMA(EMA(close/ma(close,12),20),20)) and EMA(EMA(close/ma(close,12),5),5)/EMA(EMA(close/ma(close,12),20),20) =1.10 and EMA(EMA(close/ma(close,12),20),20) 0.973 and ma(c,30)/ma(c,5) =1.01)or(Var4 AND (Var1 OR Var2) and ma(v,6) ma(v,12) and SMA(CLOSE/HHV(HIGH, 120), 3, 1)*100 60 and 散户同盟 9.4
and l/ma(c,5) 0.98 AND count(c ref(c,1),5) =4),散户同盟,' '),colorred,linethick4;