DRAWTEXT(sysparam(2)=BARPOS,c,'◎小崔期势系统◎n量化分析╬智能投资 客服QQ:49*****61'),COLOR6633ff,ALIGN4;
DRAWTEXT(sysparam(2)=BARPOS,c,'大富天下免费交流QQ群:167****8 期权投资培训QQ群:1*****7'),COLOR33ff99,ALIGN5;
PARTLINE(bb ref(bb,1),bb)colorwhite;
cc:ema(c,21)colorred LINETHICK2;
PARTLINE(aa cc,cc)colorgreen LINETHICK2;
partline(aa cc and c cc,cc)colormagenta linethick2;
A:=cross(c,hhv(o,3)) or cross(llv(o,3),c),;A1:=FILTER(A,13);ts1:=BARSLAST(A1);
xx:REF(pp,ts1),coloryellow LINETHICK2;
yy:partline(c xx,xx),colorff6633 linethick2;
DI :=EMA(VOL,8) - EMA(VOL,28);DE :=EMA(DI,8);
vv:=v ma(v,5) or v ma(v,89);
dd:=vv and (cross(c,bb) or cross(ref(c,2),ref(bb,2)) or cross(ref(c,1),ref(bb,1))) and (cc+bb+aa ref(cc+bb+aa,1)) and c aa and c cc and OPENINT 2000 and (v 350) and o c and abs(o-ref(c,1)) h-l and h-l (o+c)/1000 and c h/2+l/2;
kk:=vv and (cross(bb,c) or cross(ref(bb,2),ref(c,2)) or cross(ref(bb,1),ref(c,1))) and (cc+bb+aa ref(cc+bb+aa,1)) and c aa and cc c and OPENINT 2000 and (v 350) and o c and abs(o-ref(c,1)) h-l and h-l (o+c)/1000 and c h/2+l/2;
DRAWICON(vv and (cross(aa,bb) or cross(ref(aa,2),ref(bb,2)) or cross(ref(aa,1),ref(bb,1))) and c bb and c aa and OPENINT 2000 and (v 350) and di de and h-ref(l,10) ref(h-l,10)*3 and c h/2+l/2,l*0.999,10);
DRAWICON(vv and (cross(bb,aa) or cross(ref(bb,2),ref(aa,2)) or cross(ref(bb,1),ref(aa,1))) and (cc+bb+aa ref(cc+bb+aa,1)) and c aa and cc c and OPENINT 2000 and (v 350) and di de and ref(h,10)-l ref(h-l,10)*3 and c h/2+l/2,h*1.001,11);
DRAWICON(vv and c-o ref(abs(c-o),1) and (range(aa,h,l) or range(bb,o,c) or range(cc,o,c)) and aa dd and c cc and OPENINT 2000 and (v 350) and di de and h-ref(l,10) ref(h-l,10)*3 and c h/2+l/2,l*0.997,4);
DRAWICON(vv and o-c ref(abs(o-c),1) and (range(aa,l,l) or range(bb,c,o) or range(cc,c,o)) and dd aa and cc c and OPENINT 2000 and (v 350) and di de and ref(h,10)-l ref(h-l,10)*3 and c h/2+l/2,h*1.003,5);
DRAWTEXT(sysparam(2)=BARPOS,c,'◎小崔期势系统◎n量化分析╬智能投资 客服QQ:984388831'),COLORff9933,ALIGN4;
DRAWTEXT(sysparam(2)=BARPOS,c,'大富天下免费交流QQ群:1****08 期权投资培训QQ群:152****7'),COLOR00ccff,ALIGN5;
a:=hhv(if(if(h/2+l/2 ref(l/2+h/2,1),h-c,c-l) (c-o),h,l),3);b:=llv(if(if(h/2+l/2 ref(l/2+h/2,1),h-c,c-l) (c-o),h,l),3);
t:=ma(if((ref(h,3)/2+ref(l,2)/2) f,b,a),8);
tt:=ma(if(c ref(h,3),b,a)/3+if(c ref(l,3),b,a)/3+(l/2+ref(if(c ref(l,3),h,l),1)/2)/3,5) ;
ttt:=ma(f0+f2,55)/4+ma(a+b,55)/8+ema(if(h ref(o,3),tt/2+t/2,ema(tt/3+if(c ref(l,3),b,a)/3+(h/2+ref(if(c ref(h,3),l,h),1)/2)/3,13)/2+t/2),55)/4,CIRCLEDOT;
长趋势:=ref(f0,barslast(filter(l ref(l,2),3)));
partline(ttt ref(ttt,1) and openint 4000 and c 长趋势,长趋势)colorred,linethick3;
partline(ttt ref(ttt,1) and openint 4000 and c 长趋势,长趋势)colorgreen,linethick3;
短趋势:=ref(f2,barslast(filter(h ref(l,2),5)));
partline(ttt ref(ttt,1) and v 2000 and c 短趋势,短趋势)colorblue,linethick2;
partline(ttt ref(ttt,1) and v 2000 and c 短趋势,短趋势)colormagenta,linethick2;
DRAWicon(cross(f,t) and (h-c c-l) and (ema(OPENINT,40) ema(OPENINT,80)) and (OPENINT 4000),f,4)colorred;
DRAWicon(cross(t,f) and (h-c c-l) and (ema(OPENINT,40) ema(OPENINT,80)) and (OPENINT 4000),t,5)colorgreen;
DRAWTEXT(ref(cross(f,t),1) and(t c and c f0) and (f0 ref(f0,1)) and (OPENINT 3000),tt*0.999,'加多仓 ')colorred;
DRAWTEXT(ref(cross(f,t),1) and(t c and c f0) and (f0 ref(f0,1)) and (OPENINT 3000),tt*0.999,'多止损 ')colorred;
DRAWTEXT(cross(ref(t,1),f) and(c t and c f0) and (OPENINT 3000),tt*1.001,'空止损 ')colorgreen;
DRAWTEXT(cross(ref(t,1),f) and(c t and c f0) and (OPENINT 3000),tt*1.001,'加码空 ')colorgreen;